Unleash the Power of Vision Boards: Achieve Your Wildest Real Estate Dreams

Using Vision Boards to Create the Life of Your Dreams

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs

Are you ready to seize the reins of real estate success and accomplish your wildest dreams? Look no further than the transformative tool of vision boards. These powerful creations have the potential to propel you toward your goals, supercharge your motivation, and attract the opportunities you crave. Prepare yourself for a journey that will unlock your potential and unleash the magic of manifesting your real estate empire.

You’ve probably heard before that having a strong why is key to success. The why is the vision of the future, a promise of a better life, and gives meaning to the struggle of the current moment. It is the fuel that will push you through the tough times and inspire you to keep going, even when giving up seems like the best option.

Suspend your Skepticism Momentarily

You may be like me, a skeptic. You’re not interested in this woo-woo bullshit and just want results. Trust me, I get it. I’m a scientist by trade and readily discount anything that can’t be seen and measured. As I’ve gotten older though, I care less about the truth of why/how something works, and just that it does. I’ve had many goals. They were always big goals for me at the time. But because I’ve kept logs of my planners and goals for close to 8 years now I can easily go back and see the outcome of the goals I’ve set.

Funny enough, I’ve accomplished nearly every single goal that I set, even though I didn’t always know how I would do it when I set them. We will talk about goal setting next article, but vision boards are the fuel to create goals that will make your success a foregone conclusion.

This is the time to have some faith, suspend disbelief, and take action anyways because this stuff really works. This is a free activity that, at the very least, will help to clarify your vision so that you can clearly articulate it to others. At best you could radically alter the course of your life and propel yourself to new heights in real estate investing.

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” – Joseph Campbell

I. Embracing Your Inner Real Estate Maverick

The Power of Visualization

As the legendary Tony Robbins once proclaimed,

“The power of visualization is one of the strongest forces for making dreams come true.”

Visualizing your success in real estate is the key that unlocks the door to achieving greatness. By creating a vision board, you tap into the immense power of your subconscious mind, aligning it with your goals and setting yourself up for triumph.

This is not about pretending you have a lambo or are already rich. Nor is it about chanting, “I am a sexy beast. Women cannot help falling in love with me.” We all know lying to ourselves doesn’t work. This is about telling your subconscious mind, “This is what I want and what is important to me. Now go and get it for me!”.

Cultivating an Emotional Connection

Don’t just visualize your success—feel it deep within your core. By cultivating an emotional connection to your dreams, you ignite a burning passion that fuels your drive toward real estate glory. Infusing your vision board with personal aspirations and profound desires creates an unstoppable force that propels you toward your desired reality. In order for the vision board to have power, it should be a vision so exciting, so terrifying, and awesome that it brings tears to your eyes when you think about living that life.

If during the process of creating your vision board you don’t feel that strong emotional response, go back. You need to dig deeper. The vision board should be your heart’s greatest desire. Not every item needs to bring you to your knees, but the overall vision should. I have a sports car on my vision board (Corvette Z06 with all the trimmings if you’re curious). The car doesn’t do much for me by itself, but in the context of my ideal life, it creates a powerful desire in me.

Gathering the Right Tools

Vision Board Supplies

Gather your tools of manifestation—a corkboard, vibrant markers, scissors, adhesive, and a treasure trove of magazines. Alternatively, embrace the digital age and explore software programs like Canva, Pinterest, and DreamItAlive that offer dynamic and interactive features for creating a captivating digital vision board. The choice is yours, but remember, these tools are the gateway to creating a visual masterpiece that will bring your dreams to life.

Seeking Inspiration

Immerse yourself in a world of inspiration and possibilities. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of successful real estate tycoons, such as the words of Robert Kiyosaki:

“The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.”

Delve into real estate magazines, devour success stories, and explore online platforms that showcase remarkable achievements. Let these sources of inspiration ignite the fire within you and ignite your creativity as you construct your vision board.

Craft Your Real Estate Dream Board

Designing an Emotionally Resonant Layout

“Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint, and begin to build.” – Robert Collier

Don’t merely arrange images for aesthetic appeal; construct your vision board to evoke powerful emotions. Craft a layout that ignites passion and creates a deep personal connection. Strategically place images, quotes, and goals to fuel your determination and ignite an unwavering belief in your real estate journey.

Creating an Emotional Anchor

Select images that resonate with your real estate dreams on a soul-deep level. Choose visuals that capture the essence of your aspirations—a luxurious dream home, a bustling cityscape, or a serene waterfront property. Embed your vision board with empowering affirmations and profound quotes that align with your emotional connection to real estate success. Let these words act as a beacon, guiding you toward your vision with unwavering conviction.

Bringing Your Vision Board to Life

The Art of Immersion

Congratulations on creating a masterpiece that represents your real estate empire. But remember, the true power lies in immersing yourself in it daily. Dedicate time to visualize your dreams vividly, to feel the excitement coursing through your veins, and to embrace the emotions associated with your goals. Immerse yourself in the essence of your vision board, for it is in this state of unwavering focus that your dreams will materialize.

I like to look at my vision board once right when I wake up and once before I head to bed. This vision board was created with Microsoft PowerPoint but keep a printed copy on my end table for quick review as well as on Dropbox so that it is accessible on the go. I do not recommend putting your vision board on your phone background or desktop wallpaper though. You want to look at your vision board intentionally, and not become blind to the images through background exposure.

Taking Inspired Action

“When you combine powerful visualizations with deliberate actions, you can have whatever you seek.” – Whitney Gordon-Mead

While visualization is a potent force, remember to complement it with purposeful and decisive action. Network with fellow real estate enthusiasts, expand your knowledge through continuous education, seek mentorship from seasoned professionals, and dare to take calculated risks. Let your vision board serve as a guide, propelling you toward success and empowering you to turn your wildest real estate dreams into a tangible reality.


Congratulations, visionary real estate maverick! By harnessing the power of vision boards, you have embarked on a transformative journey toward achieving your wildest dreams. Embrace the authority within you, trust the process, and let your vision board be your guiding star. With unwavering dedication, there’s no limit to the extraordinary heights you can reach in the realm of real estate success.

Unleash the Power of Vision Boards: Achieve Your Wildest Real Estate Dreams