Mastering Execution for Real Estate Investing: How to Achieve Your Goals through Time and Energy Management

If you’ve been following along with me, you now have a strong determined mindset, a clear and inspiring vision for where you’re going, and concrete goals to work towards. Execution for real estate investing demands taking these plans and putting in the work. Congrats! This is already a massive amount of progress toward your real estate investing and getting rich AF dreams! Take a moment to appreciate this hard work, buy yourself an ice cream and a cold beer. I’ll wait…

You’re back! Awesome, let’s get down to the topic of today’s post, execution. A mindset without a vision is unchanneled ambition. A vision without goals is just wishful thinking. And goals without execution are wasted potential. All of the planning in the world won’t actually make your dreams come true. Sometimes, the work just needs doing.

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

– Paul J. Meyer

As a real estate investor, setting ambitious goals is just the beginning. To turn your dreams into reality, mastering execution through effective time and energy management is essential. In this post, we will explore the significance of execution, delve into time and energy management techniques, and provide valuable tips to help you achieve your real estate investment goals.

Understanding Execution in Real Estate Investing

Execution involves taking action and implementing your plans to achieve desired outcomes. Without efficient execution, even the best-laid real estate investment strategies may remain unfulfilled dreams. By recognizing the link between execution and goal setting, you can gain a competitive edge in the market. Additionally, we’ll explore common execution challenges and how to overcome them to stay on track.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.

– Mark Twain

Time Management for Real Estate Investors

The big secret of the ultra-productive is that there is no secret. You already know what you need to do every day. Reference the goals that you wrote down in the last post. They should be broken down working back from your ultimate vision to the exact day. So the trick then is to make sure that the most important things, stay the most important things and get done. Time management is simple, but not easy (due to emotional reasons, which we’ll discuss).

Here’s my process. Adapt it as you see fit.

  1. Every quarter/ month/ week/ day I plan out what I’ll be doing the next day down to the 30-minute mark. I do this in a Panda Planner (no affiliation, they’re just the best I’ve ever used and a great price/quality).
    • If you’re really techy you can skip step 1, but I like the feel of paper and writing commits it to memory better.
  2. Next, I transpose those onto my Google calendar. Don’t forget to fill in things such as laundry, hanging with the girlfriend, commuting, etc.
  3. I stick to the calendar religiously and look at it every hour. If something is not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist.

Show me your calendar, I’ll show you your future.


As much as we like to complicate time, it really is that simple. Set boundaries with yourself and others, and then stick to them. You set your goals to ensure you were moving towards the life of your dream, so trust yourself. As long as those activities are planned, and that plan is followed, you’ll get where you’re going.

Energy Management: Sustaining Motivation and Drive

So if it’s so easy, what’s the problem? Why doesn’t everyone accomplish everything that they set out to do? And why did you make me read this long-ass blog post, Tim? The simple allocation of time will not work. Although we may be able to schedule effectively, we may not be able to execute effectively. Energy is a crucial aspect often overlooked in goal execution. Maintaining a positive and growth-oriented mindset is key to staying motivated throughout your real estate journey. By nurturing your energy, you can maintain the enthusiasm needed to overcome challenges and achieve success.

If there is truly any secret to the ultra-successful and productive, it’s that they work on very few things. Success is about removing all of the bullshit that is preventing you from doing the basic essentials for your craft. In real estate investing that is getting leads, making offers, and dispositioning those deals. If you’re working on and planning different things, stop doing, delegate, or outsource those things as soon as possible. This includes domestic work such as laundry and cleaning, and professional “work” such as reading emails.

You may not be able to afford to outsource everything right away, but if you focus on those basics you will soon. And when your income increases, spend some of that money to buy back your time to work on money-generating activities. Eventually, you’ll get to the point where you’ve outsourced your entire business and can work on only the things that give you energy. Your tank is only so full and delegation is essential. Until you get there here are some tips to help keep your energy levels high!

Tips to Increase Your Daily Energy

  1. Schedule your most important work during the highest energy levels of the day. For most this is mid-morning.
  2. Drink 1 gallon of water daily
  3. Eat a “clean” diet with lots of whole grains, and leafy greens
  4. Try intermittent fasting to prolong energy into the afternoon
  5. Exercise daily, especially cardio
  6. Avoid drugs, alcohol
  7. Get 7 hours of sleep every night at the same time
  8. Avoid caffeine after 4 pm
  9. Distance yourself from negative people
  10. Get outside several times per day, especially early in the morning

The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel, and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.

– Tony Robbins

Relationships – The Potential Dream Killer

A seldom discussed, but massive thorn in the side of execution is relationships. These include relationships with others and most importantly, with yourself. Many people fail even at this stage (where you’re so close!) because they haven’t set the proper expectations and boundaries with their close relationships. Remember, this is external and also the relationship you have with yourself! They should be aware of your vision, goals, and plans and supportive of your efforts to make these visions a reality. 

The most common pitfall is mismanaged expectations. Perhaps you set your goals and plans that you would be perfect in your goal to make 5 offers/day, but you’ve only made 1 offer every week. You had unrealistic expectations of yourself clearly. Or perhaps you told your wife that you would dedicate 2 hours/night to work on your business, but no more. However, you procrastinate and now you’ve spent 4 hours working and she feels neglected. Bring your people along, the ones that support you and cheer you on. Leave all others behind.

Overcoming Procrastination and Perfectionism

Procrastination and perfectionism are common obstacles that hinder execution. We’ll explore the reasons behind these behaviors and provide effective strategies to overcome them. Embracing progress over perfection allows you to take meaningful steps toward your goals, even when faced with uncertainty.

Building Effective Habits for Consistency

Habits play a significant role in shaping our actions and results. Discover the power of habits in real estate investing and how they can contribute to consistent success. By incorporating positive habits into your routine, execution becomes second nature.

Seeking Accountability and Support

Accountability is a powerful catalyst for execution. Discover how seeking support from mentors and networking within real estate investment communities can keep you motivated and focused. By surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, you’ll gain fresh perspectives and valuable insights.

Let’s face it, there are a lot of days that we don’t feel like doing the thing. It is easy to let yourself down (although the most dangerous). But you’re much less likely to let someone else down. The act of hiring a coach or mentor can be another great motivator as you will be hesitant to waste the money that you’ve spent. You shouldn’t try to do this alone. Execution in real estate investing is best as a team sport.


In conclusion, execution is the cornerstone of successful real estate investing. By mastering time and energy management, you can turn your goals into tangible results. Remember, execution is a continuous journey, and with the right strategies and mindset, you’ll achieve greatness in the dynamic world of real estate investing. So, take action, stay persistent, and watch your dreams unfold before your eyes!

Mastering Execution for Real Estate Investing: How to Achieve Your Goals through Time and Energy Management

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