
About the Reading List

This is my personal reading list. The books that I’ve already read contain a short summary. They also have a level rating to indicate the impact these books have on moving you towards early financial independence. I’ve curated this list from podcasts and interviews of extremely successful individuals. I’ve also added some personal interest books to keep things fun and develop as a well-rounded person.

Level Guide for FI 

Level 1 Extremely likely to produce a profound shift in thinking.
Level 2 Really good nuggets of wisdom or more technical book.
Level 3 Didn’t personally resonate with me deeply, but still recommended.
Level 4 Not recommended unless extremely interested in this niche.
Level T Tim level. Simply a personal interest reading.


  1. What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cashflow….And 36 Other Key Financial Measures – Frank Gallinelli
    1. Level 2
    2. A successful real estate investor is comfortable with the financial metrics of real estate investing, and knows how to speak the language of math in reviewing and doing deals.
    3. Summary
  2. Tools of Titans- Tim Ferris
    1. Level 2
    2. Success leaves clues: the hyper-successful find and follow their purpose; bolstering this effort with cornerstone habits of exercise, learning, self-reflection and producing.
    3. Summary
  3. Writers of the Future Vol 34- Various
    1. Level T
    2. This anthology of science fiction features various authors’ short stories (10-20 min reads), which provides a variety of styles, subjects, and genres around the science fiction genre. 
  4. Man’s Search for Meaning- Viktor Frankl
    1. Level 2
    2. A man’s experience in surviving a concentration camp, and his life philosophy which evolved from that experience. A person can survive even the harshest of circumstance if they attach a higher meaning to their suffering/existence. It is this search for meaning which motivates individuals primarily, and it is therefore of utmost importance to define your why.
    3. Summary
  5. No More Mr. Nice Guy- Dr. Robert Glover
    1. Level 2
    2. For many men in our society, a failure to get their needs met in a healthy manner in childhood has led to the development of inadequate or faulty coping mechanism which proliferate into adulthood, and which collectively create the so-called “nice guy” syndrome. Learning to identify, re-write, and overcome these personality defaults are essential to becoming a positive, healthy, happy and self-actualized male, and achieving self-defined success. 
    3. Summary
  6. The ONE Thing- Gary Keller
    1. Level 1
    2. To prioritize ourselves for success, it is essential to focus and pursue only one thing in a given are (business, family, spiritual, etc.). This can be identified by asking the following clarifying question. What is the one thing, such that by doing it, makes all other things easier or unnecessary? Then, by goal setting to the now, and working on our one thing, we can move towards extraordinary success. 
    3. Summary
  7. The Richest Man in Babylon- George S. Clason
    1. Level 1
    2. Through simple parables, this book gives timeless and practical advice on how to become wealthy over time. This occurs primarily through living below your means, paying yourself first, and investing the surplus.
    3. Summary
  8. The Way of Men- Jack Donovan
    1. Level 3
    2. The premise of this book is that modern men have lost a means of maturing in the absence of traditional rights of passage and that men have an inherent need to bond with one another. It is through the identification and participation of their leadership role in a larger group that fully develops men.
    3. Summary
  9. Awaken the Giant Within- Tony Robbins
    1. You’re capable of the greatness that you seek, but it is up to you to adopt the proper mindsets, habits, and relationships to become the person who you need to be to achieve that greatness. This book gives you the blueprint for making that change.
    2. Level 2
    3. Summary
  10. The 4-Hour Workweek- Tim Ferriss
    1. The 40-year W-2 career is no longer safe, profitable, fun, or worthwhile. The new rich are defined less so by their income, but by a time and location freedom in addition to having sufficient income. To get there, one needs to create a business, and then establish systems to replace their individual labor efforts in that business.
    2. Level 2
    3. Summary
  11. Abundance- Peter Diamandis
    1. Despite the constant stream of negative news, life is better on average than ever before and history and getting progressively better. Due to the rapid compounding effect of technology, many if not most of our most pressing social and ecological concerns may very well be solved in our lifetime.
    2. Level 3
    3. Summary
  12. Mindset- Carol Dweck
    1. Level 2
    2. This book summarizes much research to show how those who succeed, have a mindset that they are capable of learning how to do or become something; a so-called “growth” mindset. Those who give up or fail tend to have a “fixed” mindset and blame their early failures on a lack of innate ability, thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    3. Summary
  13. The Rational Optimist- Matt Ridley
    1. We should all be incredibly grateful to be alive in this time of relative prosperity and peace, which has been enabled by increasing economic stability and security. This sustained and sustainable economic boom has been enabled by free trade of goods, services, and ideas. To participate and further this economic growth, each person should create and then share their creations.
    2. Level 3
    3. Summary
  14. Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill
    1. This book illustrates why to, and compels you to create an unshakeable belief in your success, not let anyone dissuade you off of that path, and to create/join a mastermind group of like-minded individuals in order to propel you on the path to success.
    2. Level 1
    3. Summary
  15. The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People- Stephen R. Covey
    1. Level 1
    2. This book is the self-help bible and the only blueprint that you need in order to transform your life into that of a highly successful individual.
    3. Summary
  16. The One Minute Manager- Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
    1. Level 3
    2. This book shows a simple and effective plan for managing others. It follows the theory that good management should be short, set expectations clearly, and communicate openly and eagerly with subordinates.
    3. Summary
  17. The E-Myth Revisited- Michael E. Gerber
    1. Level 1
    2. This book illustrates the major flaw for any start-up and small businesses, as well as the remedy. This can be summed up by the phrase, “Work on your business, not in your business.” Failure to adhere to this creates imbalance, overwork, an ultimately flawed business model, and is why many technical individuals make poor business owners.
  18. The Art of Seduction- Robert Greene
    1. Level 4
    2. This
    3. Summary
  19. The Millionaire Fastlane- MJ DeMarco
    1. Level 2
    2. This book illustrates the idea that extraordinary wealth at a young age is possible through the creation and ownership of a business. The only way to propel oneself forward in that endeavor is to start thinking and acting like a creator/producer instead of simply a consumer.
    3. Summary
  20. The Millionaire Next Door- Thomas Stanley
    1. Level 2
    2. This
    3. Summary
  21. Outliers- Malcolm Gladwell
    1. Level 3
    2. All of the overnight successes and exceptional individuals had advantages which allowed them to rapidly gain the skills and knowledge that enabled their success. In an analysis of the data, this book asserts that it takes 10,000 hours to become a master of something.
    3. Summary
  22. The 50th Law- 50 Cent and Robert Greene
  23. Mastery- Robert Greene
    1. Level 1
    2. This
    3. Summary
  24. The 48 Laws of Power- Robert Greene
    1. Level 2
    2. This
    3. Summary
  25. Atlas Shrugged- Ayn Rand
  26. The Fountainhead- Ayn Rand
  27. The Charisma Myth-
    1. Level 3
    2. This
    3. Summary
  28. The Total Money Makeover- Dave Ramsey
    1. Level 3
    2. This book focuses on a financial plan to take the middle class to a place of financial prosperity, and potentially beyond to financial freedom. The focus is on establishing a small emergency fund, using the debt snowball method to eliminate non-mortgage debt, paying off your mortgage, and then investing to become wealthy. This book focuses on frugality, and therefore the methods will not allow for the extremely rapid accumulation of wealth such that you can retire very young.
    3. Summary
  29. Choose Yourself- James Altucher
    1. Level 2
    2. James has written this book in his characteristically amusing, personal and irreverent writing style. The book is an exposition on why the only truly free path is entrepreneurship. He makes the point that 4 areas (health, spiritual, mental, and physical) which all must work together to create success in life. Finally, he gives several key daily habits which will support the health of those 4 areas, and help foster success and fulfillment on the entrepreneurial path.
    3. Summary
  30. The Manipulated Man-
    1. Level T
    2. The Manipulated Man is an author’s long-form opinion piece on gender dynamics in the late 70’s America. It takes the position that men, far from having positions of power, are actually manipulated by women and society at large, thereby functioning as little more than slaves.
    3. Summary
  31. The Book on Investing in Real Estate with Low and No Money Down
    1. Level 1
    2. Depending on where you are on your real estate journey, this book could prove to be pivotal in thinking about acquisition strategy, value, and money. In real estate, value is exchanged for the asset. This is usually money but doesn’t always need to be. Additionally, there are ways to structure deals or strategies so that you can get all of your money back very quickly.
  32. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    1. Level 1
    2. This is THE book on early retirement, financial independence, and utilizing real estate as the vehicle to propel you towards financial freedom in as little time as possible. It is written in the form of parables and is a very quick read. This is a must-read for all FIRE entrepreneurs, especially those in the real estate space.
    3. Summary
  33. Self-Reliance- Ralph Waldo Emerson
    1. Level 2
    2. This book……….
    3. Summary
  34. First Things First- Stephen R. Covey
    1. Level 2
    2. This book summarizes and advances the notion of time management systems. It focuses on aligning your tasks with a higher vision, and spiritual alignment, of your life, and outlines ways to systematize your time management in order to create synergy and balance in the various life functions (health, wealth, relationships, etc.) in order to get the most important things done as a priority.
    3. Summary
  35. The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter- Meg Jay
    1. Level 2
    2. The Defining Decade makes the case, backed by years of psychology work with 20-somethings and scientific studies, that, far from being a lost decade where what you do ultimately doesn’t matter, your twenties set the stage for the rest of your life and define your medium and long term happiness. Meg Jay advocates for quickly finding a life-partner, and for building career capital. These endeavors are worthwhile, but take time, and therefore should not be left to chance or the future.
    3. Summary
  36. What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20- Tina Selling
    1. Level T
    2. xxxxxxxxxx
    3. Summary
  37. Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing- Robert Kiyosaki
    1. Level 3
    2. xxxxxxxxx
    3. Summary
  38. The Manipulated Man- Esther Vilar
    1. Level T
    2. xxxxxxxx
    3. Summary
  39. Purple Cow- Seth Godin
    1. Level 2
    2. xxxxxx
    3. Summary
  40. Vagabonding
    1. Level T
    2. This book is probably not at all helpful in the pursuit of early financial independence. The book is a celebration, guidebook, and a call to wanderlust the world over. It makes the claim that long term world travel is both realistic and achievable. It won’t help you get ahead, but for those interested in world travel, this book will speak to your soul.
    3. Summary
  41. Deep Work- Cal Newport
    1. Level 2
    2. In Deep Work Cal explains how we have all lost our ability to focus deeply for an extended period of time. He shows why this skill is important and gives the reader some rules to help them retrain this crucial skill.
    3. Summary
  42. The Millionaire Real Estate Agent-Gary Keller
    1. Level 2
    2. This book outlines the skills and models needed to become a real estate agent that earns over one million dollars per year. Even if you don’t have that goal, the important lessons are: to track and focus only on the metrics that drive your business forward; systematize to scale; and hire to leverage others in order to build your business. These lessons are applicable to any business venture.
    3. Summary
  43. How to Win Friends and Influence People- Dale Carnegie
    1. Level 1
    2. This is the penultimate sales and relationship book. The simple lessons stand the test of time on this 100-year-old novel. This is required reading for any business person and should be reviewed regularly. It teaches you how to win over others, become a likable person, and influence others without putting them off.
    3. Summary
  44. The Art of Exceptional Living- Jim Rohn
    1. Level 1
    2. This book, from the man who inspired the teachings of Tony Robbins, teaches you how to think about success and your life to turn your someday into maybe. Having the proper mindset is vital to business success, and this book will put you into the proper framework to move forward on your vision for the future, or inspire you to create this vision.
    3. Summary
  45. SPIN Selling- Neil Rackham
    1. Level 2
    2. I highly recommend this book in order to learn the fundamentals of skills. This book is ideal for someone who is actively involved in the sales process, as the book itself is highly technical. Don’t mistake this for a complicated read. There are simply a lot of actionable items. It provides fact-based selling techniques and a framework for the best sales approach.
    3. Summary
  46. Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business- Gino Wackman
    1. Level 2
    2. The book outlines the Entrepreneur Operating System. What I loved about this book was that it combined and encompassed many of the previous works on business management, systemization, and principals into one system. This book is a technical walkthrough on how to elevate your already existing business to the next level, and ultimately to make it self-sustaining. It takes the concept of work on your business, not in your business to the next level all based on a solid set of business principals.
    3. Summary
  47. The Oracle Year – Charles
    1. Level T
    2. This book is a wonderful fictional drama about a man who somehow knows 104 predictions about the future that happen to come true, and the wild ride that ensues.
    3. Goodreads Page
  48. A Wrinkle in Time – Madeleine L’Engle
    1. Level T
    2. A young adult science fiction/fantasy novel about interdimensional travel and otherworldly beings. A fun simple read.
    3. Goodreads Page
  49. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear – Elizabeth Gilbert
    1. Level 4
    2. In Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert shares her philosophy on how to endear a spirit of creativity into our lives. It is written for artists but can be broadly applied. She focuses on the idea that ideas are living vital things in the ether of the universe and can only be captured and acted upon by those who are ready, willing, able, and worthy to breathe life into their being. This book is a polarizing read as some will really identify with it, while others will think that it is all fluff and self-aggrandizement.
  50. You Are a Badass at Making Money – Jen Sincero
    1. Level 3
    2. I would rate this book a little higher, but much of the topics contained within are covered in other more fundamental books. Jen has a great writing style that is humorous and relatable. This book mixes self-help with practical advice for money management, creation, and investment. It is a book on the mindset and spiritual philosophy of money.
    3. Summary
  51. Never Split the Difference – Chris Voss
    1. Level 1
    2. This is THE book on negotiation to read. It is written by an FBI hostage negotiator and teaches the real world, practical habits and strategies to become a world-class negotiator.
    3. Summary
  52. If You Can’t Wholesale After This, I’ve Got Nothing for You – Todd M. Fleming
    1. Level 1 (for wholesalers)
    2. This book explains the entire process of wholesaling real estate. The only thing that is missing, in my opinion, is specific software, strategies, and how to set up the actual business. This is a great book to understand the business process, and some tactics, but will require further research to learn the right systems for you and how to implement these into your own business.
    3. Goodreads Page
  53. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life – Walter Isaacson
    1. Level 2
    2. This biography takes a positive look at the life, philosophies, and accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin. After reading this, he has become one of my personal heroes.
    3. Goodreads Page
  54. Recursion – Blake Crouch
    1. Level T
    2. This mind-bending science fiction book delves into time travel, love stories, apocalyptic futures, crime dramas, and mysteries all wrapped up in one very hard to put down book.
    3. Goodreads Page
  55. Meet the Frugalwoods – Elizabeth Willard Thames
    1. Level 4
    2. This book is part instruction on eschewing consumerism, extreme frugalism, and the value of simple living, and part autobiographical recounting of one couple’s journey to financial freedom. It is an entertaining read, and values the same lessons taught here but lacks focus. I would recommend this book if you want to learn more about the Frugalwoods but otherwise stick to more focused books for financial advice.
    3. Summary
  56. Digital Minimalism – Cal Newport
    1. “I don’t have the time”. If you’ve ever felt this way, or if you feel stressed out and anxious in our technology-obsessed society, you’re not alone. Cal Newport makes the case for conscious technology use and provides rules and guidelines to help restore a normal, healthy focus and reliance on modern technology.

My personal reading list:

Book Title Author Category Read (y/n)
What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cashflow….And 36 Other Key Financial Measures Frank Gallinelli Real Estate y
Tools of Titans Tim Ferris Self Improvement y
Writers of the Future Vol 34 Many Science Fiction y
Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor E. Frankl Self Improvement y
The One Thing Gary Keller Self Improvement y
The Book on Investing in Real Estate with Low and No Money Down Brandon Turner Real Estate y
Self-Reliance Ralph Waldo Emerson Self Improvement y
The Millionaire Real Estate Investor Gary Keller Real Estate y
Choose Yourself James Altucher Self Improvement y
The Total Money Makeover Dave Ramsey Money y
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 Tina Seelig Self Improvement y
Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing Robert Kiyosaki Self Improvement y
The Manipulated Man Escher Vilar Social Commentary y
Purple Cow Business y
Vagabonding Rolf Potts Self Improvement y
Deep Work Cal Newport y
The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Gary Keller Real Estate/Business y
How to Win Friends and Influence People y
Spin Selling Neil Rackman Sales y
The 4 Disciplines of Execution Franklin covey Business
Legacy James Kerr Leadership
The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins Social Commentary
The Book of Pook Social Commentary
Persuasion Skills Blackbook: Practical NLP Language Patterns for Getting The Response You Want Rintu Basu Psychology
Steve Jobs Isaacson Biography
The Better Angels of our Nature Steven Pinker Social Commentary
Sapians: A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari Social Commentary
Tao te Ching Lao Tzu Self Improvement
The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations that Transform the World David Deutsch Social Commentary
Mastery: The Key to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment George Leanord Self Improvement
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles Steven Pressfield Self Improvement
The Hero with a Thousand Faces Joseph Campbell Social Commentary
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life Walter Isaacson Biography
Poor Charlie’s Almanac Charles T Munger Finance
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind Shunryu Suzuki Self Improvement
Song of Solomon Toni Morrison Entertainment
Meditations Marcus Aurelius Self Improvement
The Drama of the Gifted Child Alice Miller Psychology
How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie Self Improvement
Stumbling on Happiness Daniel Gilbert Self Improvement
Crush It! Gary Veynerchuk Self Improvement
Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr. Ron Chenrow Biography
The Rum Diaries Hunter S. Thompson Entertainment
Hell’s Angels A Strange and Terrible Saga Hunter S. Thompson Entertainment
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Hunter S. Thompson Entertainment
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 Hunter S. Thompson Entertainment
The Great Shark Hunt Strange Tales from a Strange Time Hunter S. Thompson Entertainment
The Curse of Lono Hunter S. Thompson Entertainment
Screwjack Hunter S. Thompson Entertainment
The Power of Habit Charles Duhigg Self Improvement
Trust Me, I’m Lying Ryan Self Improvement
The Four Steps to the Epiphany Blank Business
Seeing What’s Next Christensen Business
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Drucker Business
How to Get Ideas Foster Business
Founders at Work Livingston Business
The Lean Startup Ries Business
Before You Quit Your Job Kiyosaki Business
Escape from Cubicle Nation Slim Business
Hard Drive Wallace Biography
Start Small and Stay Small Walling Business
The Art of Happiness The Dalai Lama Biography
Sex God Method Danial Rose Self Improvement
A New Earth Eckhart Tolle Self Improvement
Guardians of Being Eckhart Tolle Self Improvement
The Definitive Decade Meg Jay Social Commentary
Personal MBA Josh Kaufman Business
The Art of Non-Conformity Chris Guillebeau Self Improvement
The Hard Thing About Hard Things Business
The Start-Up of You Reid Hoffman Business
The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell Social Commentary
The Wealthy Barber Returns Business
Why Men Earn More Warren Farrel Social Commentary
The Book on Flipping Houses J Scott Real Estate
Adolph Hitler John Toland Biography
Churchill: A Life Martin Gilbert Biography
Henry VIII: The King and His Court Alison Wier Biography
The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Gary Keller Real Estate