End Financial Stress: Why Making More Money is Non-Negotiable

Make more money? Yeah, no shit….

I get it. Of course a little more is the answer to most of your problems and it sounds ridiculous to just tell people to make more money.

But what if I told you that there were ways that you can do this today. With the skills that you already have. And what if there were ways to amplify that income with a little bit of targeted focus over 2 years.

If you want to get rich (and let’s be real, that’s why you’re here and not scrolling Tik Tok) then you need to learn to master all 3 Pillars of Financial Success: Make It, Save It, Invest It. Well you can’t save what you don’t earn, and you can’t invest what you don’t save.

More money, more problems?

Breaking the Chains of Financial Stress: Why Making More Money is Non-Negotiable

Do you ever lie awake at night, your mind racing with worries about bills, debt, and financial obligations? Does the thought of an unexpected expense send shivers down your spine? If so, you’re not alone. Financial stress is an all-too-common companion in today’s fast-paced world. It doesn’t discriminate; it affects people from all walks of life, regardless of age, gender, or background.

There have been more than a few nights on my real estate/entrepreneurial journey where I’ve laid awake at night afraid that I’m going to bankrupt myself and down to my last few dollars. Perhaps signing up for that $3,000 marketing spend per month with no revenue, in the middle of a rehab, was a rash decision.

In this blog post, we’re going to explore a topic that often stirs emotions and sparks debates: the importance of making more money. For many, this idea carries a stigma, conjuring images of greed or materialism. But what if we told you that, far from being a shallow pursuit, increasing your income is, in fact, non-negotiable for your overall well-being and happiness?

The Reality of Financial Stress

Before delving into why making more money is crucial, let’s confront the stark reality of financial stress. It’s a pervasive issue that affects millions of individuals and families worldwide. The weight of financial burdens can feel suffocating, leading to sleepless nights, strained relationships, and even health problems.

Consider the stress that comes with struggling to make ends meet, constantly worrying about the next bill, or having to say “no” to opportunities and experiences because of financial constraints. These are experiences that many of us can relate to, and they highlight the urgent need to address the issue of financial stress head-on.

But what if we told you that there’s a way to break free from these chains, to find stability and peace of mind, and to pursue your passions and dreams without the constant shadow of financial stress? The key lies in understanding why making more money should be a top priority.

The Common Misconceptions

One of the reasons many people shy away from the idea of making more money is the misconceptions that surround it. Society often equates wealth with negative attributes like greed or selfishness. We’re told that money can’t buy happiness, and while that’s true to some extent, it’s only part of the story. It is true that money cannot buy you happiness, but it certainly allows you to remove unhappiness.

There is no nobility in poverty. I grew up poor and know first hand what its like to have to cancel a $15/month magazine subscription to put food on the table that month. You don’t need to apologize for wanting to thrive financially. And for those that want to help others, you’ll be able to help a lot more with money behind you! Money doesn’t change you, it simply amplifies what you already are. Change comes from within.

The pursuit of wealth is not necessarily a pursuit of materialism or superficiality. It’s a quest for freedom, security, and the ability to make choices that align with your values and aspirations. Wealth can empower you to lead a life of purpose, contribute to causes you believe in, and provide for your loved ones without worry.

In the sections that follow, we’ll delve deeper into the freedom that financial stability can bring, the opportunities it unlocks, and the strategies to overcome the challenges that might stand in your way. We’ll show you why making more money is not just a luxury but a necessity for a brighter, less stressful future.

Stay with us as we break down the chains of financial stress and explore why making more money is non-negotiable for your well-being and fulfillment.

The Freedom in Financial Stability

As your income goes up you gain financial stability. No longer do you have to worry about if you can afford groceries. Eventually, you’ll have so much money that you can buy groceries for you and your family for 100 years if needed! Long before that point though most people experience a sense of calm knowing that they are in a secure spot and are gaining traction every day.

The ultimate financial freedom is to be able to generate enough income to sustain all of your needs and most of your wants. At this point you can choose when, how, and with whom you work. If you decide to work at all! This is the end point that we’re working towards. Have you ever taken the day off and gone to Target on a Tuesday? How about read a book at a park and then grabbed dinner at a nice cafe on a Thursday afternoon? Do you ever wonder what those people are all doing there? That is freedom.

Pursuing Your Passions and Dreams

Most of us start our working lives trying to find out what will make us the most money, or chasing our passions. Both of these pathways generally lead to misery. If you spend your life optimizing for income at the expense of some enjoyment you’ll be a miserable, busy person. There’s always a higher paying, more stressful job, a second job, side hustles and selling your plasma.

On the other hand, if you work only for your passions you’re likely to end up not being passionate about it. Work is fun when it’s self-directed and autonomous. When you add in deadlines, financial concerns, bosses, office gossip, and so on it can really suck the life out of any passion project. Furthermore, passions change! I used to be very passionate about training horses. Now, I don’t even want to smell a horse near me.

Investing in Your Future

Bottom line, you must increase your income while you’re learning to invest. You can cut expenses down to bare bones and live a miserable life while investing the savings, but that sucks! There is a limit to savings. There is no limit to the amount of money that you can earn however.

Compounding makes this process even easier. But it is not just money that compounds. Your skills, experience, and network all have a compounding effect. If you play the game right, things will get better and better for you continuously.

We’re going to go over all of the ways that you can increase your income in this series on “Make It” Pillar 1 of the 3 Pillars for Financial Success.

Overcoming the Challenges

We covered this earlier, but I get it. It isn’t like you can just go to the job store and pick out a better one this evening. But this process is in your control. For all of America’s faults, this is still the land of opportunity where the sky is the limit. If you follow the advice on this blog, you’ll be getting promoted faster, earn more and reach financial independence decades ahead of your peers. That is a monumental feat and one that will not be easy.

Earning money is a skill that can be learned like any other. Focus on being a continuous learner, seeking advice, and refining your skillset.

It is costing me $1 billion each year that I don’t learn the skill of earning $1 billion.

Alex Hormozi

The Non-Negotiable Nature of Your Financial Future

This is not dress rehearsal. This is real life. How long will you watch from the sidelines while other people live your dreams? How long until you decide that today is the day that you’re going to take charge of your life and your income?

When would “now” be a good time to get started?


Don’t settle for a life of mediocrity. Understand that life is yours for the taking and get busy chasing your dreams. Your life is too important not to make as much money as possible and shape reality to your desires. You deserve nothing less. The fastest way to change your life is to dramatically increase your income.

In summary, financial stress is a pervasive issue, but it’s not insurmountable. Increasing your income is a necessity on the path to financial freedom. By challenging misconceptions, embracing stability, pursuing your dreams, and investing wisely, you can transform your financial future.

I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Have you successfully increased your income, and how did it change your life? Don’t forget to subscribe for more financial tips and advice. Explore related blog posts and resources to continue your journey towards financial well-being. Your financial future awaits – it’s time to seize it.

End Financial Stress: Why Making More Money is Non-Negotiable

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