Is it realistic to retire by 30?

In short, yes, it is completely possible to retire by 30. Make no mistake about it, this is a lofty goal and one in which most people do not achieve. But it is one that can be achieved, no matter where you’re starting from.  It is important to note that most people do not even have this goal, however. It makes no sense to compare ourselves to those who aren’t trying to achieve the same things. For high achievers, this can be a source of frustration and loneliness. You can’t really complain, because you are doing better than most. Otherwise, well-intentioned people will tell you not to worry, that you’re doing so well for your age, and so on which just rings hollow in your ears. You feel like you’re just spinning your wheels, and while you are getting somewhere, your current situation isn’t meeting your needs.

I’m here to tell you that it is totally possible. I firmly believe that if you focus extremely hard on this goal for 10 years, you can reach financial independence. It may not be the boats and hoes lifestyle, in fact, it almost certainly won’t be. But it is totally reasonable to have a life wherein you only work at a job because you truly want to be there. You can take unlimited vacation time, travel the world, start that business, work for a non-profit, or spend all day building the world’s foremost Lego housing developments.

I have a dirty secret. It will be nearly impossible for me to retire before 30! I just turned 29 at the time of this writing. And while I am on my way to building an extremely solid financial position, I will miss this mark. I had wanted to call this website FIBy40, but the name was taken. FIBy30 fits my message even better though. I’m going to be sharing the lessons that I learned in my 20s, and help show others how to succeed where I failed so that you can retire from traditional employment in 10 years. Whether you’re still in college (way to go!) or much older than 30, these personal finance lessons and timeless money principals will help propel you to a life of freedom in short order.

5 Minute Action Advice:

I will be including advice at the bottom of each article that you can implement today. These tips should take around 5 minutes and will help move you towards greater financial freedom. Reading and self-improvement can devolve into little more than mental masturbation without putting the concepts into practice. They may not all be applicable to you, but hopefully, you will come across something that will add immediate value to your life every so often. Today’s advice: mentally high-five yourself for reading this type of material. It won’t be obvious at first, but over time financial education will have an exponential return that will put you far ahead of all your peers. So, way to go! You’re awesome. Congratulate yourself for taking the first step to greater control over your financial future and life.

Is it realistic to retire by 30?