
House Hacking: The Ultimate Real Estate Investment Strategy for Early Retirement

House Hacking: The Ultimate Real Estate Investment Strategy for Early Retirement

Introduction Welcome to FIby30, where we’re on a mission to help you achieve financial independence by the age of 30 through smart real estate investing. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into one of the most powerful strategies for

The Problems with House Hacking a Single Family House

The Problems with House Hacking a Single Family House

The wonderful world of house hacking For those that don’t know, the term house hacking refers to purchasing a property and then renting out a portion of it. If done well, this can cover your entire mortgage and other related

How I wiped out 25k in student loans in 12 months, and lived for free in the expensive Denver market

How I wiped out 25k in student loans in 12 months, and lived for free in the expensive Denver market

Digging the hole of debt It seems that every day I’m reading another article about how many student loans people are taking on. I went to college for a total of 7 years and obtained a bachelor’s and a master’s