
Is Live in Flipping the Best Beginner Real Estate Strategy?

Is Live in Flipping the Best Beginner Real Estate Strategy?

Introduction Are you curious about real estate investing and ready to get started on your journey toward financial independence? How does making $250,000 tax-free sound to you? Then consider doing a live in flip house as one of your first

The Lessons I Learned on My First Real Estate Fix and Flip

Lessons Learned on My First Fix and Flip

I just recently completed my first flip! Not only was this my first real estate fix and flip, but it was my first deal out-of-state. This process was extremely difficult at times and very stressful. These are the lessons I

Navigating Emotions on My First Flip (Out of State)

FIby30.com Navigating Emotions on my First Flip

Many people get excited about real estate and decide to try their hand at flipping a house. Flipping is where you buy a property (often at a discount), fix it up, and then quickly sell it again. I’m sure that